Fighting for the animals

Fishing one of the major reasons so many marine mammals are going to the brink of extinction. With industrial fishing becoming more popular now that more types of marine animals are in demand. No animal seems to be safe anymore with more types being in demand for food, or even selling on the black market.

When a fish or marine mammal is in danger, they should be put on the endangered. Also there should be a ban on hunting them. To protect the mammal, while allowing them to recover to where the population should be.

In the process of trying to ban the sales of bluefin tuna and polar bear skin around the world. When brought up at a meeting of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) the ban faced rejection. While on the verge of extinction the beluga needs to have time to recover, but that proposal also got rejected.

“This exploitation is no longer exploitation by traditional fishing people to meet regional needs,” Monaco’s Patrick Van Klaveren told delegates. “Industrial fishing of species is having a severe effect on numbers of this species and its capacity to recover. We are facing a real ecosystem collapse.”

This is not just one countries fault, but al of them, in having to face the facts that the marine population is going down. Due to the fact of industrial fishing not having enough boundaries on certain marine mammals.

With the economy being in the situation where it may ride or fall again, we need to think long term with fishing. Adapting new laws or updating the endangered species list, so those industrial fishermen know it is not okay to kill off our wonderful creatures.

Polar bear skins are in high demand overseas and are worth big buck son the market. With polar bears habitat getting ruined enough already, they are unable to protect themselves from hunters.

These type of actions need to be stopped; we need to fight for our animals. They are as much a part of this world as we are.

~ by amylclark on March 21, 2010.

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